BakBone's detachable, multifunctional tablet handle takes walk around work to the max. And makes everyday living with your tablet so much easier.
— Aaron Kraus, technology tell
there’s so much more walk around work
you and your team can do:
Engaging with customers
Writing up orders
Keeping work flowing faster
All without tiring or dropping costly tablets. The BakBone pays for itself so many times over.
Deepen Learning Intimacy
Deepen Learning Intimacy
Speed Workflow
Speed Workflow
Take Life Easier
Take Life Easier
“A tablet is awkward to hold with one hand while you are working. BakBone provides a simple, effective solution”
“A great option for kids as they begin using tablets in school.”
“If you work in a medical profession where you need something that’s easily cleaned, this is an incredibly good option.”
“I felt Bakbone was one of the most compelling entries in a compact segment both due to its look, the strength of its adhesion, and a third little bonus — branding.”